The Question
Specifically, I am reading the “Intro to Limitless.” I feel that is a pretty crucial chapter to understand. For instance, “….a Limitless Personality must have an infinite body to be real…”
The Answer
That is one of the most important parts of my philosophy.
Trying to understand this is no easy task.
All real non-material things, such as human personalities, emerge from material things in coordination with material processes.
Non-material things that purport to exist separate from any material aspect, such as ghosts, are mere fictions.
Embodiment is the key to understanding being, because in an embodiment the non-physical, the personality, emerges from the physical body in coordination with the body’s life processes.
Non-Physical things, such as our individual personalities are real things, because they emerge from physical things, our bodies.
In our embodiments as human beings the physical and non-physical exist together in a unity of being.
The Limitless Personality of God is real because it emerges from the boundless physical universe and its ongoing eternal processes.
There is a unity of being at the heart of my theology, a divine embodiment.
The personality of God is embodied in the physical universe, and God’s Personality emerges from this physical aspect, just as all every other embodied beings emerge from their physical aspect.
Only God is limitless, eternal and infinite, because the limitless personality of God emerges from the boundless physical universe which has always been and will forever be.
We are bounded beings, local, temporal and discrete. Our bodies and personalities are finite and live for a brief time, in a small discrete place in spacetime.
The universe holds together and functions because it is the living body of God. All the processes of the universe are akin to the processes of our bodies. They all work together to enable the physical organism to thrive and the non-physical personality to emerge from them in a unity of being, an embodiment.
The entire non-material aspect of the universe emerges from the entire material aspect and the ongoing eternal universal process of being.
That got heavier than I intended. It’s very concise, perhaps too dense. It’s like creed, an extended explanation is required to understand it. That’s what I’m trying to do in the book, provide explanation to very heavy philosophical principles.