Particle Level Emergence

In Limitation Philosophy a theory of Plenary Emergent Wholeness is set forth as the infinite, eternal and plenary cause behind all the various forms of temporal causation in the physical universe. The following excerpts describe elemental function emerging from atomic structure and movement. This particle level emergence is the source of all emergence, so causation… Continue reading Particle Level Emergence

James Clerk Maxwell

Writer ATOMS article in 1875 Encyclopedia Britannica Of primary importance to my discoveries are Britannica’s exhaustive section on Chemistry and its article on the science of Atomic Processes by James Clerk Maxwell. The combination of your book and these articles enlightened me about the universal process that is the eternal cause of all things. In… Continue reading James Clerk Maxwell

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About Anaxagoras Pen

The Narrator of All Three Books The narrator of my novel, The Logic of Limitless, is the pre-socratic* philosopher Anaxagoras of Clazomenae and I chose to make the letter writer of Thank You, Mr. Darwin named after him by his eccentric father. *Pre-socratic is a misnomer as Anaxagoras and Socrates were both alive during the… Continue reading About Anaxagoras Pen